Departmental Advisors
Undergraduate Advisor
Natalie Eastwood
CME 304
Graduate Advisor
Sara Wilson
CME 304
Departmental Notes
For course descriptions and pre-requisite information click on the subject column next to the appropriate catalog number.
THIS DEPARTMENT ENFORCES UNDERGRADUATE PREREQUISITES. Please note that the registration system may not factor in transfer work when determining if prerequisites have been met. If you are unable to register for a course and think you have met the prerequisite(s), please contact an advisor from this department to inquire about obtaining a permission code. You may be administratively dropped from a course if the prerequisite has not been met.
Attention: Classroom assignments may change between the time you
register and when classes begin. Please check your class schedule for the latest classroom location
information before attending class.
MSE 1030 - 001 Your Smartphone
MSE 1030 - 001 Your Smartphone
- Class Number: 16849
- Instructor: FURSE, CYNTHIA
- Instructor: SCARPULLA, MIKE A
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 0
MSE 2010 - 001 Intro To MSE
This course requires registration for a lab section. Students will be automatically registered for this lecture section when registering for the pertinent lab section. The course fee covers digital course materials through the Inclusive Access program. Students may request to opt out here:
MSE 2010 - 001 Intro To MSE
- Class Number:
- Instructor: WANG, CHEN
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 4.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $152.06
- Seats Available: 7
This course requires registration for a lab section. Students will be automatically registered for this lecture section when registering for the pertinent lab section. The course fee covers digital course materials through the Inclusive Access program. Students may request to opt out here:
MSE 2010 - 003 Intro To MSE
Class meets in MCE 1031.
MSE 2010 - 003 Intro To MSE
- Class Number: 7935
- Instructor: WANG, CHEN
- Component: Laboratory
- Type: In Person
- Units: --
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $152.06
- Seats Available: 0
Class meets in MCE 1031.
MSE 2010 - 004 Intro To MSE
This class Meets in MCE 1031
MSE 2010 - 004 Intro To MSE
- Class Number: 10351
- Instructor: WANG, CHEN
- Component: Laboratory
- Type: In Person
- Units: --
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $152.06
- Seats Available: 3
This class Meets in MCE 1031
MSE 2010 - 005 Intro To MSE
MSE 2010 - 005 Intro To MSE
- Class Number: 21400
- Instructor: WANG, CHEN
- Component: Laboratory
- Type: In Person
- Units: --
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $152.06
- Seats Available: 4
MSE 2160 - 001 Elements Of MSE
The course fee covers digital course materials through the Inclusive Access program. Students may request to opt out here:
MSE 2160 - 001 Elements Of MSE
- Class Number: 1073
- Instructor: WANG, CHEN
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $47.06
- Seats Available: 26
The course fee covers digital course materials through the Inclusive Access program. Students may request to opt out here:
MSE 2165 - 003 Intro to MSE Lab
Class Meets in MCE 1031. This is a lab section for students who have completed the lecture portion of Elements of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE 2160) and majoring in MSE.
MSE 2165 - 003 Intro to MSE Lab
- Class Number: 10336
- Instructor: WANG, CHEN
- Component: Laboratory
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $105.00
- Seats Available: 0
Class Meets in MCE 1031. This is a lab section for students who have completed the lecture portion of Elements of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE 2160) and majoring in MSE.
MSE 2165 - 004 Intro to MSE Lab
Class Meets in MCE 1031. This is a lab section for students who have completed the lecture portion of Elements of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE 2160) and majoring in MSE.
MSE 2165 - 004 Intro to MSE Lab
- Class Number: 10352
- Instructor: WANG, CHEN
- Component: Laboratory
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $105.00
- Seats Available: 2
Class Meets in MCE 1031. This is a lab section for students who have completed the lecture portion of Elements of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE 2160) and majoring in MSE.
MSE 2165 - 005 Intro to MSE Lab
MSE 2165 - 005 Intro to MSE Lab
- Class Number: 21714
- Instructor: WANG, CHEN
- Component: Laboratory
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $105.00
- Seats Available: 1
MSE 3010 - 001 Mtrls Proc Lab
Sections 002, 003 & 004 belong to this lecture. This course requires registration for a lab section. Students will automatically be registered for this lecture section when registering for the pertinent lab section.
MSE 3010 - 001 Mtrls Proc Lab
- Class Number:
- Instructor: BATES, JEFFREY
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $150.00
- Seats Available: 34
Sections 002, 003 & 004 belong to this lecture. This course requires registration for a lab section. Students will automatically be registered for this lecture section when registering for the pertinent lab section.
MSE 3010 - 002 Mtrls Proc Lab
This class meets in MCE 1037.
MSE 3010 - 002 Mtrls Proc Lab
- Class Number: 8398
- Instructor: BATES, JEFFREY
- Component: Laboratory
- Type: In Person
- Units: --
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $150.00
- Seats Available: 7
This class meets in MCE 1037.
MSE 3010 - 003 Mtrls Proc Lab
This class meets in MCE 1037.
MSE 3010 - 003 Mtrls Proc Lab
- Class Number: 8399
- Instructor: BATES, JEFFREY
- Component: Laboratory
- Type: In Person
- Units: --
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $150.00
- Seats Available: 14
This class meets in MCE 1037.
MSE 3010 - 004 Mtrls Proc Lab
MSE 3010 - 004 Mtrls Proc Lab
- Class Number: 10723
- Instructor: BATES, JEFFREY
- Component: Laboratory
- Type: In Person
- Units: --
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $150.00
- Seats Available: 6
MSE 3032 - 001 Intro to Thermo
The course fee covers digital course materials through the Inclusive Access program. Students may request to opt out here:
MSE 3032 - 001 Intro to Thermo
- Class Number: 6244
- Instructor: Simpson, Michael
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 4.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $90.00
- Seats Available: 10
The course fee covers digital course materials through the Inclusive Access program. Students may request to opt out here:
MSE 3210 - 001 Electronic Prop Of Slds
The course fee covers digital course materials through the Inclusive Access program. Students may request to opt out here:
MSE 3210 - 001 Electronic Prop Of Slds
- Class Number: 3361
- Instructor: AKSAMIJA, ZLATAN
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $29.45
- Seats Available: 30
The course fee covers digital course materials through the Inclusive Access program. Students may request to opt out here:
MSE 3410 - 001 Intro To Polymers
MSE 3410 - 001 Intro To Polymers
- Class Number: 1074
- Instructor: BEDROV, DMITRO
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 30
MSE 4999 - 001 Hon Thesis/Project
MSE 4999 - 001 Hon Thesis/Project
- Class Number: 1378
- Instructor: Simpson, Michael
- Component: Honors Thesis Project
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 5
MSE 5050 - 001 Optics for Energy
MSE 5050 - 001 Optics for Energy
- Class Number: 9276
- Instructor: MENON, RAJESH
- Component: Special Topics
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 10
MSE 5050 - 003 Optics for Energy
MSE 5050 - 003 Optics for Energy
- Class Number: 16634
- Instructor: MENON, RAJESH
- Component: Special Topics
- Type: Remote Real-Time
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 5
MSE 5050 - 090 Optics for Energy
MSE 5050 - 090 Optics for Energy
- Class Number: 16635
- Instructor: MENON, RAJESH
- Component: Special Topics
- Type: Online
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 9
MSE 5073 - 001 Nanostruc Materials
MSE 5073 - 001 Nanostruc Materials
- Class Number: 10974
- Instructor: TIWARI, ASHUTOSH
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 0
MSE 5074 - 001 Photo Mtrls&SolarCells
MSE 5074 - 001 Photo Mtrls&SolarCells
- Class Number: 18580
- Instructor: SCARPULLA, MIKE A
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 9
MSE 5075 - 001 Nano Imaging
MSE 5075 - 001 Nano Imaging
- Class Number: 19482
- Instructor: ZANG, LING
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 7
MSE 5201 - 001 Semicond Phy I
The course fee covers digital course materials through the Inclusive Access program. Students may request to opt out here:
MSE 5201 - 001 Semicond Phy I
- Class Number: 10375
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $36.71
- Seats Available: 7
The course fee covers digital course materials through the Inclusive Access program. Students may request to opt out here:
MSE 5520 - 001 Single Crystal Growth
MSE 5520 - 001 Single Crystal Growth
- Class Number: 15202
- Instructor: JI, HUIWEN
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 24
MSE 5800 - 001 MSE Internship I
MSE 5800 - 001 MSE Internship I
- Class Number: 10366
- Instructor: CUTLER, RAYMOND
- Component: Practicum
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 9
MSE 5801 - 001 MSE Internship II
MSE 5801 - 001 MSE Internship II
- Class Number: 11362
- Instructor: CUTLER, RAYMOND
- Component: Practicum
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 10
MSE 6001 - 001 Eng Mtrls
The course fee covers digital course materials through the Inclusive Access program. Students may request to opt out here:
MSE 6001 - 001 Eng Mtrls
- Class Number: 18583
- Instructor: SPARKS, TAYLOR
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $83.35
- Seats Available: 13
The course fee covers digital course materials through the Inclusive Access program. Students may request to opt out here:
MSE 6032 - 001 Adv Thermo
MSE 6050 - 002 Optics for Energy
MSE 6050 - 002 Optics for Energy
- Class Number: 9277
- Instructor: MENON, RAJESH
- Component: Special Topics
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 10
MSE 6050 - 006 Smicndctr Device PHYS I
The course fee covers digital course materials through the Inclusive Access program. Students may request to opt out here:
MSE 6050 - 006 Smicndctr Device PHYS I
- Class Number: 12978
- Component: Special Topics
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $36.71
- Seats Available: 7
The course fee covers digital course materials through the Inclusive Access program. Students may request to opt out here:
MSE 6050 - 007 Optics for Energy
MSE 6050 - 007 Optics for Energy
- Class Number: 16637
- Instructor: MENON, RAJESH
- Component: Special Topics
- Type: Remote Real-Time
- Units: 3.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 5
MSE 6050 - 090 Optics for Energy
MSE 6050 - 090 Optics for Energy
- Class Number: 16636
- Instructor: MENON, RAJESH
- Component: Special Topics
- Type: Online
- Units: 3.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
MSE 6073 - 001 Nanostruc Materials
MSE 6073 - 001 Nanostruc Materials
- Class Number: 10975
- Instructor: TIWARI, ASHUTOSH
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 0
MSE 6074 - 001 Photo Mtrls&SolarCells
MSE 6074 - 001 Photo Mtrls&SolarCells
- Class Number: 18581
- Instructor: SCARPULLA, MIKE A
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 8
MSE 6075 - 001 Nanoscale Probe&Imaging
MSE 6075 - 001 Nanoscale Probe&Imaging
- Class Number: 9504
- Instructor: ZANG, LING
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 6
MSE 6421 - 001 Micromachining
This course requires registration for lab section 002. Students will be automatically registered for this lecture section when registering for the pertinent lab section. The course fee covers digital course materials through the Inclusive Access program. Students may request to opt out here:
MSE 6421 - 001 Micromachining
- Class Number:
- Instructor: WARREN, ROSEANNE
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $61.18
- Seats Available: 0
This course requires registration for lab section 002. Students will be automatically registered for this lecture section when registering for the pertinent lab section. The course fee covers digital course materials through the Inclusive Access program. Students may request to opt out here:
MSE 6421 - 002 Micromachining
The lab fees for this course are being covered by a generous donation from Texas Instruments.
MSE 6421 - 002 Micromachining
- Class Number: 14335
- Instructor: WARREN, ROSEANNE
- Component: Laboratory
- Type: In Person
- Units: --
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 0
The lab fees for this course are being covered by a generous donation from Texas Instruments.
MSE 6590 - 001 Special Projects
MSE 6590 - 003 Special Projects
MSE 6590 - 003 Special Projects
- Class Number: 9349
- Instructor: BATES, JEFFREY
- Component: Special Projects
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
MSE 6590 - 004 Special Projects
MSE 6590 - 004 Special Projects
- Class Number: 9804
- Instructor: SCARPULLA, MIKE A
- Component: Special Projects
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 5
MSE 6590 - 005 Special Projects
MSE 6590 - 005 Special Projects
- Class Number: 10400
- Instructor: BEDROV, DMITRO
- Component: Special Projects
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
MSE 6590 - 006 Special Projects
MSE 6590 - 006 Special Projects
- Class Number: 10401
- Instructor: MINTEER, SHELLEY D
- Component: Special Projects
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
MSE 6590 - 007 Special Projects
MSE 6590 - 007 Special Projects
- Class Number: 10402
- Instructor: SPARKS, TAYLOR
- Component: Special Projects
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 10
MSE 6590 - 008 Special Projects
MSE 6590 - 008 Special Projects
- Class Number: 10403
- Instructor: TIWARI, ASHUTOSH
- Component: Special Projects
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
MSE 6590 - 009 Special Projects
MSE 6590 - 009 Special Projects
- Class Number: 10404
- Instructor: VIRKAR, ANIL
- Component: Special Projects
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
MSE 6590 - 010 Special Projects
MSE 6590 - 010 Special Projects
- Class Number: 10405
- Instructor: ZANG, LING
- Component: Special Projects
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
MSE 6590 - 011 Special Projects
MSE 6590 - 011 Special Projects
- Class Number: 12791
- Instructor: Simpson, Michael
- Component: Special Projects
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
MSE 6590 - 012 Special Projects
MSE 6590 - 012 Special Projects
- Class Number: 13525
- Instructor: JI, HUIWEN
- Component: Special Projects
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 5
MSE 6590 - 013 Special Projects
MSE 6590 - 013 Special Projects
- Class Number: 13921
- Instructor: AKSAMIJA, ZLATAN
- Component: Special Projects
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 10
MSE 6590 - 014 Special Projects
MSE 6590 - 014 Special Projects
- Class Number: 13922
- Instructor: WANG, CHEN
- Component: Special Projects
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 10
MSE 6590 - 015 Special Projects
MSE 6590 - 015 Special Projects
- Class Number: 16913
- Instructor: CHANDRAN, RAVI
- Component: Special Projects
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 4
MSE 6620 - 001 Single Crystal Growth
MSE 6620 - 001 Single Crystal Growth
- Class Number: 15201
- Instructor: JI, HUIWEN
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 11
MSE 6970 - 001 Thesis Research: MS
MSE 6970 - 002 Thesis Research: MS
MSE 6970 - 002 Thesis Research: MS
- Class Number: 2050
- Instructor: SPARKS, TAYLOR
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 14
MSE 6970 - 003 Thesis Research: MS
MSE 6970 - 003 Thesis Research: MS
- Class Number: 2051
- Instructor: TIWARI, ASHUTOSH
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 15
MSE 6970 - 006 Thesis Research: MS
MSE 6970 - 006 Thesis Research: MS
- Class Number: 8812
- Instructor: BEDROV, DMITRO
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 4
MSE 6970 - 007 Thesis Research: MS
MSE 6970 - 007 Thesis Research: MS
- Class Number: 4486
- Instructor: VIRKAR, ANIL
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 5
MSE 6970 - 009 Thesis Research: MS
MSE 6970 - 009 Thesis Research: MS
- Class Number: 8813
- Instructor: ZANG, LING
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 5
MSE 6970 - 010 Thesis Research: MS
MSE 6970 - 010 Thesis Research: MS
- Class Number: 6916
- Instructor: SCARPULLA, MIKE A
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 5
MSE 6970 - 011 Thesis Research: MS
MSE 6970 - 011 Thesis Research: MS
- Class Number: 9817
- Instructor: BATES, JEFFREY
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 2
MSE 6970 - 013 Thesis Research: MS
MSE 6970 - 013 Thesis Research: MS
- Class Number: 12792
- Instructor: Simpson, Michael
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
MSE 6970 - 014 Thesis Research: MS
MSE 6970 - 014 Thesis Research: MS
- Class Number: 13526
- Instructor: JI, HUIWEN
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 7
MSE 6970 - 015 Thesis Research: MS
MSE 6970 - 015 Thesis Research: MS
- Class Number: 13924
- Instructor: AKSAMIJA, ZLATAN
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 10
MSE 6970 - 016 Thesis Research: MS
MSE 6970 - 016 Thesis Research: MS
- Class Number: 13925
- Instructor: WANG, CHEN
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 10
MSE 6970 - 017 Thesis Research: MS
MSE 6970 - 017 Thesis Research: MS
- Class Number: 16914
- Instructor: CHANDRAN, RAVI
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 4
MSE 6970 - 018 Thesis Research: MS
MSE 6970 - 018 Thesis Research: MS
- Class Number: 21592
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 10
MSE 6970 - 019 Thesis Research: MS
MSE 6970 - 019 Thesis Research: MS
- Class Number: 21737
- Instructor: BACHUS, KENT N
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 0
MSE 7800 - 001 Graduate Seminar I
MSE 7800 - 001 Graduate Seminar I
- Class Number: 1078
- Instructor: JI, HUIWEN
- Instructor: JIN, JIAQI
- Component: Seminar
- Type: In Person
- Units: 0.5
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 11
MSE 7970 - 001 Thesis Research: PhD
MSE 7970 - 002 Thesis Research: PhD
MSE 7970 - 002 Thesis Research: PhD
- Class Number: 7259
- Instructor: SPARKS, TAYLOR
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 6
MSE 7970 - 004 Thesis Research: PhD
MSE 7970 - 004 Thesis Research: PhD
- Class Number: 2054
- Instructor: TIWARI, ASHUTOSH
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 13
MSE 7970 - 005 Thesis Research: PhD
MSE 7970 - 005 Thesis Research: PhD
- Class Number: 2055
- Instructor: VIRKAR, ANIL
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 15
MSE 7970 - 007 Thesis Research: PhD
MSE 7970 - 007 Thesis Research: PhD
- Class Number: 3663
- Instructor: BEDROV, DMITRO
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 9
MSE 7970 - 008 Thesis Research: PhD
MSE 7970 - 008 Thesis Research: PhD
- Class Number: 2053
- Instructor: SCARPULLA, MIKE A
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
MSE 7970 - 010 Thesis Research: PhD
MSE 7970 - 010 Thesis Research: PhD
- Class Number: 4924
- Instructor: ZANG, LING
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 8
MSE 7970 - 012 Thesis Research: PhD
MSE 7970 - 012 Thesis Research: PhD
- Class Number: 10406
- Instructor: SCARPULLA, MIKE A
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
MSE 7970 - 013 Thesis Research: PhD
MSE 7970 - 013 Thesis Research: PhD
- Class Number: 10407
- Instructor: BATES, JEFFREY
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 1
MSE 7970 - 014 Thesis Research: PhD
MSE 7970 - 014 Thesis Research: PhD
- Class Number: 12793
- Instructor: Simpson, Michael
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: -1
MSE 7970 - 015 Thesis Research: PhD
MSE 7970 - 015 Thesis Research: PhD
- Class Number: 13527
- Instructor: JI, HUIWEN
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 7
MSE 7970 - 016 Thesis Research: PhD
MSE 7970 - 016 Thesis Research: PhD
- Class Number: 13926
- Instructor: AKSAMIJA, ZLATAN
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 7
MSE 7970 - 017 Thesis Research: PhD
MSE 7970 - 017 Thesis Research: PhD
- Class Number: 13927
- Instructor: WANG, CHEN
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 8
MSE 7970 - 018 Thesis Research: PhD
MSE 7970 - 018 Thesis Research: PhD
- Class Number: 16915
- Instructor: CHANDRAN, RAVI
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 4
MSE 7970 - 019 Thesis Research: PhD
MSE 7970 - 019 Thesis Research: PhD
- Class Number: 21585
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 9