Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: 'C' or better in SW 3716 AND Admission to Substance Use Disorder Treatment Training Certificate Program
Course Attribute:
Professional and Community Education
This course will build upon the Introduction to Professional Development course, with an emphasis on advocacy and public policy. The course is designed to expose and introduce students to four primary elements, including: (1) advocating on behalf of clients at the individual, group, institutional, and societal levels, (2) engaging in the legislative process and advocating for changes in public policy and legislation to improve opportunities and choices for all persons whose lives are impacted by substance use disorders, (3) informing and educating the public on the impact of substance use disorders on society, as well as offer solutions to alleviate/eliminate the impact of substance use disorders on society, and (4) collaborating with diverse stakeholders in the formulation, development, implementation, and evaluation of public policy and legislation concerning the addiction profession and clients.